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嚜澤ll salespeople, whether they are road warriors making complex sales, retailers helping customers in a shop all day, or reps working out of a home or corporate office, salespeople know how vital self-management is to their success. Taking time out for a few minutes of daily reflection and renewal inspires, supports, teaches, and re-energizes them. This page-a-day book gives salespeople provocative quotations, pithy insights on sales and sales leadership, and action items. Themes range from practical, to ethical, to spiritual. It is designed so even the busiest salesperson can dip in and pull out a useful nugget each day. Selected from the world's best sales coaches, consultants, and sales leaders' personal collections and presented in a high-quality package that's a pleasure to use.

Time Out for Salespeople

  • 級別:全一冊


    系列名稱:Daily Inspiration for Maximum Sales Impact


  • 語言:英文